fbpx In the classroom | I CAN CODE SCHOOL

In the classroom

Do i have to bring my own computer?

If you are attending a group at our agency, we'll provide computers, robots and all. If you are attending one of our groups at another primary school, the school provides the computers and ICANCODE provides the robotics. Anyway, if there is a special case we'll make sure you are the first one to know, otherwise the answer is 'NO, you don't have to bring anything but enthusiasm and a good mood'.

Online lessons. The rules.

So you are thinking of joining our super cool online lessons, here are some ground rules and tips:
1- ICANCODE won't provide computers, internet connection or technical solutions to probable device or home's wifi's technical issues.
2- It is very important that the device each student will use to attend our online lessons is up to date in terms of Operating System (latest version of windows, IOS, MacOS, etc).